Credit: Pablo Fernandez

Credit: Pablo Fernandez

mise en abyme

'Mise en Abyme' is an immersive multimedia creation and the result of my 2-year collaboration with the Swiss composer, Benoit Moreau and the Nouvel Ensemble Contemporain.

An audiovisual odyssey for 70 minutes, comprised of interconnected miniature works for string quartet, piano and live electronics, composed by myself and Benoit, which are then opened up for improvisation with the ensemble to create freely-flowing single work with transforming lighting design and holographic projections across the stage. It explores the process of collaboration and co-authorship, illuminating the development of musical ideas through the performance itself.

Commissioned by the Nouvel Ensemble Contemporain and recorded for broadcast by Radio Télévision Suisse. Premiered in May 2017 at the Maison du Concert, Neuchatel (Switzerland) and then later performed at the Cresecent Arts Centre, Belfast (N. Ireland).



radio télévision suisse broadcast of premiere

listen to the live of 'mise en abyme', complete with interviews and more // see player below