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London Symphony Orchestra 'Soundhub' Appointment

The London Symphony Orchestra have appointed Ruaidhri as a new composer on the LSO Soundhub.

"Our beings and digital avatars are becoming one. The existential question about our relationship with technology is part of daily conversation, and it compels us all to consider these digital extensions to our personhood and the new 'spaces' we inhabit.”

Composer Ruaidhri Mannion and visual artist Chris Boyd are collaborating with LSO performers to create a series of audiovisual episodes for cello ensemble, sound design and video projections. Using 3D scanning technologies, Boyd will digitally capture the performers and superimpose them into a rich world of real and imaginary spaces. A newly composed score for acoustic instruments and electroacoustic media by Mannion will explore the performers different states of being and belonging in the ensemble. Having collaborated on a number of internet video projects to date that explore themes of the self, digital avatars, and shadow-selves, Boyd and Mannion are delighted to be working with the exceptional musicians of the London Symphony Orchestra on their first performance work.

Later Event: September 7
RessurExit: The Ecstatic Truth